Cloud Computing Best Practices: 5 Tips For Beginners

With the rapid advancement of modern technology, the archaic way of storing physical files and sorting through rows of documents to find the information you need is no longer feasible. Numerous businesses are now choosing to adopt cloud computing for their data storage needs, with cloud adoption rates soaring.
However, as with any new technology, there exists a learning curve for the adoption of cloud computing. Many new adopters will likely find themselves having concerns and questions about cloud computing when their businesses first make the switch. To address the concerns of beginner cloud users, let us share five essential tips to keep in mind to ensure a smooth migration to this new system.

Tips for beginners migrating to cloud technology

1. Decide on your cloud service model

There are various cloud service models available on the market. However, the main models available typically fall into the following three categories: SaaS (Software as a Service), IaaS (Information as a Service), and PaaS (Platform as a Service). Let us share more information on these models, so you will have a better idea of which service best suits your company’s needs.
In a SaaS model, applications are hosted by a cloud provider who makes them available to end-users over the internet. Here, an independent software vendor (ISV) may work with a third-party cloud provider to host the applications. The vendor is also responsible for any updates to the software, making this model suitable for users lacking the proper infrastructure to deploy the other options.
The PaaS model is similar to SaaS, but rather than providing users with the software over the web, PaaS offers users a platform for software creation. This allows users to create applications and integrate them into the PaaS model without having to worry about software updates, infrastructure, storage, or operating systems.
As for the IaaS model, it allows users to purchase the resources they need on-demand rather than having to buy the full service outright. The cloud server for the IaaS model is generally provided through an application programming interface (API) or dashboard, giving users complete control over the cloud infrastructure. However, users are also responsible for managing the operating system, middleware, data, runtime, and applications.

2. Develop a migration plan

Data migration is one of the most important stages in adopting cloud computing. As such, it is crucial for you to document and strategise the process and develop an efficient migration plan beforehand to ensure a seamless process with no downtime.
You can do this by collaborating with your cloud provider and coming up with a complete plan where you detail your deployment, assess any risk areas, and provide clear communications to the end-users, which in this case, will be your employees.

3. Monitor your cloud computing resources

Once the data migration process is completed, your next focus should be to ensure that your cloud computing resources are being used as efficiently as possible. To achieve this, you need to implement some guidelines that focus on reducing inefficient usage.
For starters, you should consider minimising the number of users authorised to control operations, as the higher the number, the greater the risk of a security breach. Additionally, you should task an employee with the management of cloud resources and to enforce any company policy regarding cloud computing.
Lastly, you need to ensure there is effective communication across every department in your company and they are following protocols in order to reduce or avoid the reckless use of cloud resources.

4. Secure your cloud application

One of the most alluring aspects of migrating to the cloud is the convenience and affordability such services provide. However, for many of these cloud-based applications to grow as rapidly as possible, they usually have a relatively short period of time for quality testing before their releases. As such, security loopholes may remain undetected, which may expose users to various forms of cyberattack.
Therefore, to maximise the efficiency of your cloud computing software and keep it safe, you should actively scan your applications for any vulnerabilities regularly. It is also highly recommended to enrol your employees in IT security courses, so they will know how to act and respond in the face of cybersecurity attacks and threats.

5. Consider having a backup system

Although backing up your cloud-based data may seem counterintuitive, it is actually a necessary step to avoid unforeseen disruptions. Not only could a security vulnerability leave your data exposed to cyberattacks, but the files may also be corrupted or accidentally deleted.
When this situation occurs, any project your company has been working on for weeks or months may disappear in an instant. Therefore, it is crucial for you to back up your data to a remote server to prevent such a scenario from happening.


There is no doubt that cloud computing is a revolutionary piece of technology that can help you gain an edge over your competitors. However, as with any technology, the adoption process requires time and patience. Nevertheless, we hope the tips we have shared can help your company streamline the procedure and ensure you are maximising the efficiency of your cloud computing service.
Additionally, you should consider signing up your employees for cloud computing programmes to familiarise themselves with the fundamentals of the system. At BridgingMinds, we provide an extensive selection of cloud computing courses from a variety of established IT vendors. With the guidance of our qualified instructions, your employees will be equipped with the relevant cloud computing knowledge to help maintain your adopted cloud service.
